Industrial Training Institutes

The Only Software need to run Your ITI Smarter…

About us:

Skill Tech for Industrial Training Institutes (ITI’s)

Skill Tech is especially designed for ITI’s as per the needs of ITI’s Training System and NSQF level Syllabus. Keeping in view of Computer based Test Examinations w.e.f August 2018(seniors) and August 2019 onwards batches, we are specially designed a online examination Module which is providing a real time Examination view to ITI trainees. And, all kinds of Learning, Teaching materials are provided to the Trainees and Trainers.


  • Student Admission - Powerful student admission form add 40+ records for student including previous School details
  • Promote Students - Promote student in next academic session based on pass/fail and continue/leaving Skill Tech
  • Fees Collection - Most advanced fees collection module available on envato market. Not just invoicing complete fees configuration including fees type, fees groups, fees master, fees fine, due date etc
  • Fees Discount - Create fees discount like staff child, sibling discount early admission discount etc
  • Fees/Discount Allotment - Fees and discount allotment on more than 5 different criteria. Allocate fees on whole class-section or on single student
  • Collect Fees - State of the art collect fees page to give whole details of student fees standing
  • Add Siblings - Smart Skill Tech supports to add any no of siblings at time student admission. Parent can check their all children in one parent account
  • Search Students - Search by Class-Section or any keyword like student name,admission no, father name, id no etc
  • Student Categories - Categories students in a class-section based on different criteria like caste, their skill ability etc
  • Profile System - Edit profile settings as you wish
  • ITI Expense - Record ITI expense like electricity bill, telephone bill, miscellaneous bill etc
  • Student Attendance - Manage student attendance smartly in few clicks. Get attendance report monthly class-section wise
  • Examination - Complete examination management from exam create to exam schedule to marks entry to progress report (2.2.0) with grades
  • Exam Schedule - Schedule exams with start/end time, exam room, full marks and passing marks
  • Marks Register - Enter student marks for exam with exam attendance
  • Marks Grade - Add marks range wise marks grade
  • Class/Grade & Section - Add any no of class/grade and add any no of sections at once
  • Subject - Add subjects with subject code and select whether it is theory orpractical subject
  • Assign Subjects - Assign subjects and subject teacher on a class-section
  • Class Timetable - Create subject wise class-section timetable for whole week with subject period start/end time and class room number
  • Download Center - Manage downloadable content for students, teacher like syllabus,assignments, study material etc
  • Communicate - Send messages to students, parent and teachers through notice board
  • Student Report - Get student report based on class-section, category, gender & RTE
  • Fees Statement Report - Get one shot student fees statement report
  • Balance Fees Report - Get class-section balance fees report for total fees, discount, paid fees and balance fees
  • Attendance Report - Get attendance report monthly class-section wise
  • Exam Marks Report - Get exam wise class-section marks report for every student with grand total, percent% and result
  • General Settings - Add system general settings like Skill Tech name, address, Skill Tech code, current academic session, session start month, Skill Tech logo etc
  • Academic Session - Create unlimited academic session year wise
  • SMS Gateways - Supports multiple sms gateways including Clickatell, Twilio andcustom sms gateway to integrate any http based sms gateway
  • Internet Payment Gateways - Add PayPal account details to collect payment online from parent
  • Backup & Restore - Create backup of your database and restore any time from online or through upload backup file
  • Parent Monitoring - Parent can see their all children activity in single parent panel login, he can also pay children fees through PayPal online payment
  • Export Data - Export report data in multiple formats e.g. PDF, Excel, CSV, Print & Copy
  • Internal messaging - Admin can send private messages to teacher, student and parent
  • Print Records - Take printout of every records
  • Home Work Document - Attach and download study documents
  • Exam Marks Management - Manage exam marks of all student

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